Den generelle Adoreabloggen (norsk) oppdateres nesten daglig. HER

 Follow our upcomming C-litter in the puppy blog (English) HERE
15.01.12   Puppy blog!
Our upcomming C-litter has it's own puppy blog. Link HERE! It's only 2 weeks left before we can welcome our new puppies!!!!

25.01.12   Puppies on their way!
The ultrasound today showed that our C-litter is on it's way! NORD JW-10 Adoreas Ridged Arwen is pregnant! We expect her to
give birth around the 29th of February.  More info HERE



Adoreas Ridged Alhwin!

We have recieved some lovely pics of our gorgeous boy from our
A-litter (Mea-Wasco). He sure is a mommy-look-alike!
See them

His sister Arwen will have her ultra sound this week.

Pic of Adoreas Ridged Alhwin (photo: Lisbeth Endresen)

31.12.11   Puppies in the making!

NORDJW-10 Adoreas Ridged Arwen was mated to SEUC SEVCH That's Why He Is Arjuna New Years Eve and 1st of January! More info HERE!


29.11.11   Adoreas Ridged B-litter is born!

We happily welcome 3 new Adoreans to the world! 2 boys and 2 girls were born, but unfortunately 1 boy was put to sleep due to DS. More info about the litter HERE. And follow the litter in the puppyblog HERE



28.07.11   Adoreas Ridged A-litter 2 years old today!!!



More excellent Adorea x-ray results!

Akeela HD: A and AA: A (0). I'm so happy!

That's the 5th excellent x-ray result of 5 in our A-litter so far! Only 3 to go!


Pic of Adoreas Ridged Akeela


21.05.11   Adoreatreff på Østlandet 4. juni

Se mer HER!



So proud of our Agility girls
! With a video!

Last Wedensday Arwen and Almea attended their very first Agility competition. A cup called AgilityCupSørlandet. Dog club's in 3 cities attend. And our girls did great! Almea leads overall, with Arwen 4th. Among all sizes! Se more
HERE! And Arwen did great in team class. See (team 6): HERE.
And a video of Arwen at her first training this spring:

Also Adoreas Ridged Anella trains agility every week. It's so fun that 3 AdoreaRidgebacks are active in agilty!

Pic of Adoreas Ridged Arwen, Merete, Adoreas Ridged Almea and Elin. Ringside at the agility cup Wednesday.


28.03.11    More x-ray results!

Adoreas Ridged Alhwin is x-rayed! And today we recieved the wonderful result: HD:A and AA:A! That's the 4th with perfect hips and elbows out 4 x-rayed in our A-litter! Excellent!

New pics of Adoreas Ridged Alhwin




Mea 5 years old

Our sweetest, kindest Mea is 5 years old today! We love you!!!

New pic of Rex Ventors Mea Adorea

More info HERE!


More excellent x-ray results

Hurra! Arwen and Almea are also A on their elbows! So all three sisters; Aurora, Arwen and Almea are A on both hips and elbows!!! I'm so happy for these first x-ray results!

New pic of Adoreas Ridged Almea and NORDJV-10 Adoreas Ridged Arwen




We have very much snow now, and both Erik and I have bought ourselves snow shoes (truger). So the last two weekends we have been out in the woods for long trips with the dogs. Mea and Troja thinks that is quiet okey as long as they get warm cloths on! :-)

are more pics from the weekend.

New pic of Troja (Madahiro's Joyful Lionesss by Gatsby) and Mea (Rex Ventors Mea Adorea).



X-ray results

The first x-ray results of our A litter is here, and they are really wonderful!
Adoreas Ridged Aurora: HD: A and AA: A
NORDJV-10 Adoreas Ridged Arwen: HD:A
Adoreas Ridged Almea: HD: A

It's been a while since we updated this site. Just before christmas Mea and I vent for a long journey to inseminate her with a gorgeous male. But Mea's heat wasn't like normal so we didn't make it on time. But we will use the same male for her next heat!

New pic of Adoreas Ridged Aurora



The pics from the Nordic Winner Show 10!
The pictures from the Nordic Winner Show: HERE!

This weekend we are at the cabin and just relax. See picture of the girls running in the snow!

New pic of Troja, Mea and Caprice



Arwen Nordic Junior Winner 2010

Wow, what a day! Adoreas Ridged Arwen won a strong junior class with CQ today at Nordic Winner Show in Lillestrøm and then gained the title Nordic Junior Winner 10!

Here is her lovely critique by judge Åke Cronander: "64cm. Herlig helhet. Veldig helhetlig type. Herlig hode og uttrykk. Fin hals. Veldig velkroppet for alderen. Gode vinkler. Fin ridge. Bra ben og labber. Utmerkede bevegelser"

New pic of NordJV-10 Adoreas Ridged Arwen


18.11.10    Dogs4All!

It's soon time for one of this years biggest happenings in the dog world. The Nordic Winner Show in Lillestrøm the 27th and 28th of November. It's not only a dogshow but lot's of activities and entertainment for the whole family. Lots of info
HERE! I recommend you all to take a trip. With or without your dog. Also highly recommended to all of you wondering if you should add a dog to your family.

69 Tollers and 54 Ridgebacks are participating Sunday the 28th of November. Unfortunately both my breeds are going to be in the show ring at the same time so I think I will be running a lot back and forth. :-)




Arwen second best bitch!!!

Our sweet little Arwen attended a show in Kongsberg today. She really made me proud by winning the junior class with CQ and then beat the championbitches and became 2nd best bitch!! Happy GT today!

Arwen got this very nice critique from judge Ing-Marie Hagelin (I think I understand it like this): "Mycket velkomponert. Bra balansert. Kraftig hals. N.skuld? Bra bein og tasser. Velvinklet bak. Bra lårmuskler. Ridge uten anmerkning. Bra pels. Rørelser uten anmerkninger. Noe fallende kors. 64 cm."

New pics of Adoreas Ridged Arwen




Akeela at her second show

Today Akeela attended a show in Stord, and she became 3rd best junior bitch. "Sis" Dyveke handled her very nice. Congrats!         
Akeela got this very nice critique from judge Wera Huberthal:
"Utmerket hode og uttrykk, meget bra hals, bra utviklet bryst. Runder litt mye over lenden. God benstamme, bra vinklet. Utmerket pels, ridge og temperament"

New pics of Adoreas Ridged Akeela (the head pic I took in April when I visited them in Bergen, and the two others pics are from today)


11.10.10     Blogg!

Blogg om Danmark, agility, shopping og lydighet osv. Link
HER! Eller HER om Blogtown er ustabil.


09.11.10     Agility Arwen! Film!

Every week Arwen and Almea train agility (together with Caprice). They are both doing very well, and I love to train and hang out with them! Tonight I shot the warm up round, Adoreas Ridged Arwen:  HERE!

29.10.10     Blogg!

Blogg om agility og Danmark og sånn HER!



Beautiful Akilah and blog

Look at this mummy-look-alike!

Nytt blogginnlegg om IKEA, snø, agility og sånn

New pic of Adoreas Ridged Akilah



Pictures from the Adorea weekend

Finally the pictures from the Adorea weekend
HERE (text only in Norwegian)

New pic of Adoreas Ridged Almea and Elin



Arwen catches a meat ball

Last weekend we attended at a handler seminar with Hugo Quevedo in Kristiansand. One of the things on the programme was to learn the dogs to catch treats.
Here is a picture of Arwen with a meat ball just in front of her mouth! Sweet Arwen! As always it was a joy to spend a day with her!

Last night we joined Arwen and Merete at the agility class. Arwen really enjoy to train agility. Next week we will start to train indoors. After the class Arwen and mum Mea played at the field in the dark.

New pic of Adoreas Ridged Arwen and GT (Photo: Steinar Østensen)

27.09.10    Artikkel fra kenneltreffet!

Jeg ble intervjuet av angående kenneltreffet forrige uke. Artikkelen kan leses HER!
Lokalavisen Agderposten har i dag også en artikkel fra treffet så det er artig. Den finnes kun i papirutgaven.

27.09.10    RR-treff!

Mer info HER!.



Akeela's great debute

This weekend Akeela with owners attended their very first show. They did very well and Akeela ended up as second best junior bitch with honour prize! Big congrats!!!

Her critique from judge Svend Løvendkjær in Bergen: "God størrelse, herlig uttrykk, bra forhold skalle neseparti, lagom lang hals, noe fremskutt skulder - bra rygg og lend - noe fer fall.kors gir henne et noe kort steg, bra brystkasse, kraft benstamme, meget bra poter, korrekt ridge og pels"

New pic of Adoreas Ridged Akeela




A trip to Stavanger and the Adorea weekend

Lots of pictures from the trip and the show NKK Stavanger

Programmet for Adoreahelgen 2010 er klart og det ligger
HER! Jeg gleder meg stort!

New pic of Rex Ventors Mea Adorea and me


09.09.10     Mer blogg!

Blogg om agility og sånn forskjellig. Link HER! Eller HER om Blogtown er ustabil.

06.09.10    Blogg!

Blogg om tur, agility og med et par bilder av kjekke Adoreanergutter. Link HER! Eller HER om Blogtown er ustabil.



Todays hiking pictures!

Today we got up early and drove up north to Åmli. We had a lovely day walking up to the mountain Hovdefjell.
Lots of pictures

New pic of Madahiros Joyful Lioness by Gatsby and Rex Ventors Mea Adorea




Arwen and Almea! The agility girls!

Last night the club (AOH) held an unofficial agility competiton with three different difficulty levels. Since we (Merete with Arwen, Elin with Almea and me with Toller-Caprice) have just started our training (only a weekend beginner course) we thought we only should try to take the easiest, the bronze tag. But they all really surprised us by taking all three tags. AOH's Bronze, Silver and Gold medals! There were three happy and proud girls with three happy dogs here in Arendal last night! It's so fun to train with you, girls! And the dogs loves it!

New pics of Adoreas Ridged Almea and Adoreas Ridged Arwen (and Merete) from last night. And of course the MEDALS!



Pics from our Saturday walk!

Last Saturday we spent all day out in the sun!  Lots of pictures HERE!

New pic of Madahiro's Joyful Lioness By Gatsby and me




Alhwin Best Male with CC at Trondheim Hundefestival!

Yesterday Adoreas Ridged Alhwin won the junior class with CQ and he vent all the way and became Best Male and recieved his first CC! Only 13 months old! Big congrats to Hege and Charlotte!


For de av dere som enda ikke har meldt dere inn i Ridgeback-klubben og/eller en lokal hundeklubb er det halv pris ut året å gjøre det nå. HER! Anbefales virkelig! Dere får RR-bladet i posten og om dere ikke er medlem av noen klubber får dere også det nyttige bladet "Hundesport".


RR Agder!

Jeg har blitt klubbens Distriktsrepresentant i Agder og har laget denne siden: HER!




Adoreas A-litter 1 year old today!

Big HURRA to the sweetest RR boys and girls on their very first birthday!


Alhwin at NKK Trondheim!

Adoreas Ridged Alhwin won the junior class with HP at NKK Trondheim in the beginning of this month. Big congrats to Hege and Charlotte!



The show girls Arwen and Almea

The two sisters attended a show in Sandefjord today and they did very well. They ended up as nr 1 and nr 2, and both recieved HP. Lots of pictures and a show rapport HERE!

New pic of Adoreas Ridged Arwen and Almea


Africa blog!

I'm now back from a work trip to Tanzania. GT blog HERE, HERE and HERE!



Our A-litter 9 months old and juniors!!!

Yesterday our A-litter turned 9 months! They are now juniors and can make their debute in official shows. Alhwin, Arwen and Almea have been to puppyshows, and we know that even more of our stunning sweethearts will attend in shows in the future!

Here is a lovely picture of sweet Akilah in Oslo. Thanks Kjersti. She looks a lot like her mum Mea. Look at those adoreable dark eyes!

New pic of Adoreas Ridged Akilah


Picture from the weekend! Our very handsome Adoreas Ridged Alhwin!



Alhwin BOB, BIG-2 puppy today!

Today Alhwin became BOB and BIG-2 (5 in the group)! This was his last puppy show because this Wednesday he and his siblings in Adoreas Ridged A-litter turn 9 months and will become juniors. And what a weekend to end the puppy show carriere! BIS-3 one day and BIG-2 the next day! We look forward to the pictures!



Alhwin BOB, BIG-1 and BIS-3 puppy today!

We are so proud over team Hege & Charlotte and our handsome boy, Alhwin. Today at a show in Sunndalsøra he strutted his stuff all the way to BIS-3!!!




Mea at NKK Bergen

Mea attended the big dog show in Bergen this weekend. She came 2nd in Open class with CQ! Only 2 bitches from the CC and her titel!

Here critique: "4 år. 65,5 cm. Meget god type. Feminint hode og hodedetaljer. Mørke fine øyne. Utmerket over og underlinje. Korrekt ridge. God benstamme. Godt utviklet forbryst. Godt vinklet bakpart. Beveger seg rasetypisk, men kunne hatt mer drive og action i stegene. God pels og farge. Trivelig temperament"

New pic of Rex Ventors Mea Adorea




Alhwin BOB and BIG2 puppy again

Our handsome Alhwin managed again to win BOB and BIG 2 puppy this weekend (in a terrible weather). It was 6 or 7 in the group finale so we are so proud of you!!! We can't wait to see this handsome guy at the Norwegian RR specialty in May!

New pic of Adoreas Ridged Alhwin (and our dear friend Susan with her Dachs Wilma)




Troja in April sun

Pictures from the weekend HERE!

Pic of Madahiro's Joyful Lioness by Gatsby




Alhwin BOB and BIG2!

Beautiful Alhwin attended a puppy show today, and he became BOB and BIG2! This was first time Charlotte handled him and she did great! Big congrats to you and Hege!

Here is the critique: "8 mnd kraftfull hanne. Velskåret hode, velpigmentert, kunne hatt tørrere hals. God overlinje. Meget god benstamme. Ser velvinklet rundt om. Velgående, velpresentert og trivelig temperament."

New pic of Adoreas Ridged Alhwin




Easter pics in the blog!

Some words and pictures in GT-BLOGGEN (only in Norwegian)

New pic of Rex Ventors Mea Adorea


GT blogg!

Some words in GT-BLOGGEN (only in Norwegian)


Beautiful Mea

Since Troja didn't have any puppies this time, we just have to look forward to Mea's next litter. And of course look forward to see how our A-litter develope. They are soon 8 months old and it's so fun to follow them. I have met Alhwin, Anella, Almea and Arwen lately and I hope to see more of them and the other pups this spring. And I hope that some of us can have a little reunion at the The Norwegian Speciality 22. - 23. May.

I have also updated GT-BLOGGEN (only in Norwegian)

New pic of Rex Ventors Mea Adorea 4 years old!


Sad news!

The ultra sound today showed that there is no puppies inside Troja. I was really looking forward to this litter, so I'm very disappointed now. But the worst part is disappointing the great puppy buyers... It was hard sending them the message today. They were all so sad and had looked so forward to the puppies that I could barly read the responses without being touched.


No news is good news?

The ultra sound today didn't tell us anything. The vet saw several black circles, but they were not as clear and shaped as she was used to se them. The vet then wants to take a new ultra sound next week, so we all have to live in exitement some more days. The vet was optimistic, so then we are optimistic too! :-)

Pic of Madahiro's Joyful Lioness by Gatsby and Rex Ventors Mea Adorea


3 weeks since the mating!

It's a very exciting time for us now. Is Troja in whelp? That's all I think of now!
Wednesday this week Troja is going to take an ultrasound and I'm counting the hours! :-)
I will update with the result as soon as I can.

Pic of Madahiro's Joyful Lioness by Gatsby


The best Mea 4 years old today!

Hipp hurra for the worlds best Mea at her 4th birthday today! Mea with the dark eyes that charmes everyone. The cuddely Mea that is at her happies when she can lay on my lap. And stubborn Mea that loves to run in the woods with her sisters and no matter what do not want to go back to the car after the walk! ;-)
This last year Mea has proved to be an excellent mum, just like we thought. She raised her 8 puppies with so much love that it ws amazing to see!
Happy birthday sweetheart Mea!

Puppy pic of Rex Ventors Mea Adorea - one of my favourite pics


Arwen BOB and BIG2 puppy, Almea 2nd best bitch puppy!

Yesterday Arwen and Almea attended a puppy show in Tønsberg. Arwen won and Almea came second. They both behaved beautifully and I'm so satisfied with the girls!
Thank's for a lovely day!

Lots of pictures from the day HERE!

Arwen's lovely critique: "7 mnd tispe av god størrelse. Trivelig temperament. Feminimt hode. Velplasserte ører. Mørke uttrykksfulle øyne. Korrekt bitt. Normalt vinklet frem og bak. Skal utvikles i frambryst og brystkassen. God hals, overlinje og kryss. God benstamme og poter. Beveger seg med godt driv. Parallell bak og framme."

New pic of Adoreas Ridged Arwen


Adoreas Ridged B-litter!

As I wrote before the weekend date between Troja and Donjuan was very successful! They mated both Saturday and Sunday, so now fingers crossed for a bunch lovely puppies in April!
Donjuan is getting more and more handsome every time I see him. So powerful and with the sweetest personality.

Read more



Adoreas Ridged B-litter in making!

Troja's weekend date with Donjuan was very successful! After only 15 minutes togheter, they mated!!! They did for sure like each other!


Troja is almost ready!

The blood sample was 13 Thursday morning (we get the result the day after) so tomorrow we head for a weekend date with Donjuan!!!


No mating yet!

Troja is not ready for her date with Donjuan yet. This has been a long and strange heat. Today we took the third blood sample so I hope that tomorrow we know a bit more. She stopped bleeding for a couple of days, so perhaps it's a splitting heat that last very long. The vet told me that this is common among German Shepherds.
So we just have to wait and see!

New pic of NUCH NV-09 Hunting Prides Dodori Dodoa Donjuan - sire to our upcoming litter


Alhwin BOB-puppy and
BIG-1!!!! And our B-litter is in progress!

This weekend Alhwin again hit the showring. He and mum Hege did great and he became BOB and BIG1!
They will attend the BIS finale tomorrow!
His fantastic critique:
"Meget trivelig. Velskåret hode med herlig uttrykk. God hals. Bra front. Velvinklet bak. God over og underlinje. Meget god ridge. Kraftig benstamme. Beveger seg meget godt fra siden."

New pic of Madahiros Joyful Lioness by Gatsby - mum to our upcoming litter



I'm going to Egypt tomorrow, so I will not be answering e-mails for the next week. 


Alhwin BOB-puppy and BIG-3!

Big congrats to Hege and Charlotte to Alhwins great debut at a puppy show in Trondheim today! Alhwin became BOB against the winning bitch.
Judge Arne Foss gave Alhwin this lovely critique: "6 mnd. Godt kjønnspreg, bra proporsjoner, tiltalende maskulint hode, fint uttrykk, korrekt ridge, beveger med meget godt steg, vennlig temperament, en tanke ukonsentrert. En fin ramme å vokse inn i."

New pic of Adoreas Ridged Alhwin


Older news HERE